Title I
Family Engagement & School Compact
Click to view our Family Engagement Plan.
Click to view our Family Compact.
Title I Information
The Title I program provides supplemental educational services to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education. Title I helps schools provide world-class educational opportunities to all students.
Click to view the Focus Beyond SCIP.
Our Mission:
Recognizing the ability of all students to master challenging academic standards and the necessity of strong family involvement, Saint Paul Public Schools Office of Title I Federal Programs ensures increased and improved educational opportunities for all students. The Office Title I Federal Programs serves Public and Non Public schools with a high incidence of poverty, Homeless students, and those residing in Neglected and Delinquent Institutions by reducing barriers to learning, effectively communicating with parents, community and staff and by implementing Federal and State statute to achieve strategic goals.
Read more information about Title I
Learn more about your school's academic performance: MDE Report Card
Parent Right to Know
School districts must notify parents of children attending Title I schools that they can request information regarding their children's teachers, including, at a minimum, information on (1) completion of state requirements for licensure and certification; (2) emergency or other provisional status; (3) educational background; and (4) whether paraprofessionals are serving the child and, if so, the paraprofessionals' qualifications.
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. Parents who would like to receive this information should write to the Human Resource Department, Attn: ESSA Teacher Qualifications, Saint Paul Public Schools, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-3299. You have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teacher(s).
- Information about whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
- Information about whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
- Information about whether the teacher is teaching (subjects or content) in which proper certification is held by the teacher.
- Information about whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Raws li txoj cai Every Student Succeeds Act, cov niam txiv muaj cai nug kom paub txog cov xib fwb qhia ntawv uas qhia ntawv rau lawv tus me nyuam thiab cov neeg uas pab tus xib fwb qhia ntawv seb lawv txawj thiab kawm ntawv siab npaum li cas. Cov niam txiv uas xav paub txog tej li hais no muaj peev xwm sau tau ntawv mus rau Human Resource department, Attn: ESSA Teacher Qualifications, Saint Paul Public Schools, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-3299. Nej muaj cai nug txog cov nram qab no ntsig txog nej tus me nyuam tus xib fwb qhia ntawv.
- Kev qhia seb tus xib fwb txawj npaum li cas thiab puas muaj lai xee qhia ntawv raws li lub xeev txoj cai los qhia qib ntawv ntawd thiab qhia yam uas nws qhia.
- Kev qhia seb puas yog tus xib fwb ntawd los qhia rau lub caij maj ceev es thiaj li tsis tag txawj txawj thiab muaj lai xee raws li lub xeev txoj cai los tau.
- Kev qhia seb tus xib fwb puas qhia yam uas nws muaj ntawv pov thawj los qhia.
- Kev qhia seb tus me nyuam puas tau txais kev pab los ntawm cov pab tus xib fwb (paraprofessional). Yog tau no lawv txawj thiab kawm ntawv siab li cas.
Xuquuqda ay Waalidku u leeyihiin inay Ogaadaan Macluumaadka Macallimiinta iyo Shaqaalaha Kale
Sida uu qabo qaanuunka loo yaqaanno "Every Student Succeeds Act" oo micne ahaan ah “Qaanuunka Guusha Arday Walba”, waalidiintu waxay xaq u leeyihiin inay codsan karaan macluumaad ku saabsan xirfadda macallimiinta iyo shaqaalaha kale ee carruurtooda wax bara. Waalidiinta raba inay helaan macluumaadkan, qoraal ha u soo diraan qaybta shaqaalaynta mas'uulka ka ah oo la dhaho Human Resource Department. Codsigaaga halkan ku soo hagaaji: Attn: ESSA Teacehr Qualifications, Saint Paul Public Schools, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-3299. Waxaad xaq u leedahay inaad codsato macluumaadkan hoose ee ku saabsan macallimiinta ilmahaaga wax bara:
- In macallinka ama macallimaddu buuxiyeen shuruudaha maadada iyo fasalka ay dhigayaan la xiriira ee uu gobolku ka rabo islamrkaana khibrad u leeyihiin maadada ay barayaan.
- In macallinka ama macallimaddu haystaan oggolaansho ku meel gaar ah inta ay soo buuxinayaan shuruudihii laga rabay ee dhinaca wax barista iyo in laga qaaday ama laga fasaxay shuruudahaas hadda.
- In macallinka ama macallimaddu ay barayaan maaddooyinka ay u haystaan shatiga islamarkaana takhasuska u leeyihiin.
- In uu ilmahaagu helo kaalmada macallin-kalkaaliye, iyo weliba nooca waxbarashada kalkaaliyahaas.
Bajo el acta Cada Estudiante Triunfa, los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre las credenciales profesionales de los maestros del salón de su niño y paraprofesionales. Los padres que deseen recibir esta información deben escribir al Departamento de Recursos Humanos (Human Resources Department), Attn: ESSA Teacher Qualifications, Saint Paul Public Schools, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-3299. Usted tiene derecho a preguntar la siguiente información de cada uno de(los) maestro(s) del salón de su niño:
- Información sobre si el maestro cumple con las credenciales y licencias del estado para los grados y asignaturas que enseña;
- Información sobre si el maestro está enseñando con una licencia de emergencia o provisional, por la que el estado lo ha eximido de los requerimientos de credenciales o criterios para obtener la licencia.
- Información sobre si el maestro está enseñando (asignaturas o contenido) en la cual tiene una certificación apropiada.
- Información sobre si el niño recibe servicios de paraprofesionales, y si sus calificaciones.